Explore Resources and Materials on Gender Equality in STI
The Observatory houses a wide range of reports, policy briefs, videos and infographics shared by stakeholders supporting gender mainstreaming in STI.
Portada » Resources Gender » Strengthen the case for DEI
This editorial by Shirley Malcom, senior advisor and director of the STEM Equity Achievement (SEA) Change initiative at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, emphasizes the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in fostering an inclusive scientific community. Malcom highlights the potential negative impact of restricting DEI initiatives on innovation and societal needs. She calls for DEI advocates, universities, and federal agencies to collaboratively address these challenges by demonstrating the value of DEI through measurable outcomes, such as retention rates of diverse students and improved teaching practices. Ultimately, the piece stresses that diversity in STEMM is essential for achieving excellence and meeting the needs of society as a whole.