Explore Resources and Materials on Gender Equality in STI

The Observatory houses a wide range of reports, policy briefs, videos and infographics shared by stakeholders supporting gender mainstreaming in STI.

Gender Disaggregated Data at the Participating Organisations of the Global Research Council

This seminal report outlines trends, practices and experiences of the Global Research Council (GRC) participating organizations regarding gender-disaggregated data. It focuses on applications, review, and funding at the intersection of equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Three key findings are put forth in this report underscoring commitment by GRC-participating organizations; the newness of collecting gender-disaggregated data; and methodological differences in our practices:

1. GRC-participating organizations broadly recognize the importance of appropriate actions regarding gender in research and that they have a catalytic role to play.

2. Contextualized to the grant-making function of GRC-participating organizations, there are no specified standards adopted across the organizations regarding the collection and reporting of gender-disaggregated data.

3. The scope of data collected by GRC-participating organizations varies by region and by type of data collected.

Publishing date
Global Research Council