Gender Equality in Scientific-Careers

Awakening and flourishing women's careers and vocations in STI through international gender equality awareness
This prototype aims at making flourish women STI careers by awakening and maintaining alive vocations in women along their lives through international gender equality awareness.
Exploring origins of gender stereotypes through simulation-based gaming
This prototype promotes intersectionality within the science culture, focusing on the impact of gender stereotypes, assessing the implicit bias of a person by playing a game, and providing a platform to promote diverse real-life role models.
Gender and Innovation: Implications for Sustainable Development A GenderInSITE Policy Brief
Policy brief about integrating a gender perspective into innovation and sustainable development efforts. It outlines findings from the "Gender and Innovation: Implications for Sustainable Development" workshop held in Pretoria, South Africa, in September 2017.
Recommendations for scientific institutions to Increase the retention of women in STI careers
The prototype looks to identify barriers women face in STI careers and recognize target institutions in Europe and third countries that can support institutional changes to retain women with STIs.
Use support and mentorship programs to assist females and women in networking, facing discrimination challenges, and caregiver stereotype obstacles.
This prototype focuses on mentorship supporting women in coping with challenges such as discrimination, caregiver stereotypes, and several others where intersectionality plays an important role.