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Portada » Resources Gender » Advancing Inclusive Gender Equality: A Vision for Framework Programme 10
Position Paper on Framework Programme 10 from the ERA Forum
This position paper, developed under the leadership of Marcela Linková, Member State co-chair of the Inclusive Gender Equality sub-group within the European Research Area Forum, reflects collaboration with representatives from Member States, Associated Countries, and umbrella stakeholder organizations. It outlines a vision for advancing inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA) under Framework Programme 10.
The paper highlights progress achieved through Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) and underscores the connection between gender equality and innovation, demonstrating how inclusivity enhances competitiveness and societal relevance. Key recommendations include maintaining GEPs as a funding criterion, integrating inclusive gender analysis in research, involving the Business Enterprise Sector, and allocating funding for gender-focused studies. Additional priorities include stronger monitoring mechanisms, support for work-life balance, safe working environments, and integrating gender expertise in proposal evaluations.
By embedding gender equality across research policies, the paper argues, Europe can unlock its full talent potential, drive innovation, and uphold EU values, fostering a more equitable and sustainable research ecosystem.